Recruitment Agencies
Rest assured, your business is secure with Anderson-Houston. We comprehend the challenges and intricacies associated with managing multiple temporary workers across various assignments. Our services extend to providing comprehensive back-office payroll support and ensuring compliance in all processes.
Advantages of collaborating with Anderson Houston:
- In complete adherence to CIS, NCIS, Umbrella PAYE, and payroll bureau standards. Trained and registered for Anti-Money Laundering (AML), directly supervised by HMRC
- Trained in GDPR and compliant with Fortis DPC (Data Protection Compliance)
- Operating in accordance with AWR (Agency Workers Regulations) and conduct regulations
- Thorough Right to Work (RTW) checks
- Verification of identity through TrustID
- Assessment of candidate employment or self-employment status
- Pension scheme for employees with additional perks
- Customized and straightforward onboarding process
- A 24/7 worker portal providing access to payslips, remittance slips, contracts, and GDPR documents
- Payment notifications for candidates via Android/iOS apps and email
- Convenient access to view worker assignment schedules
- We are available to assist you during evenings and weekends
- Increased retention of candidates